We did display advertising for the Henry Ford Foundation on the Alma Media and Sanoma networks.
Lue lisätietojaBrandit Advertising launched the website for Kansallinen Vaikuttavuuskeskus (the national center of effectivity) at: vaikuttavuuskeskus.fi
Accessibility and updatability were prioritized during the design process.
What does Vaikuttavuuskeskus do?
Social and health care clients have the right to receive effective treatment and services that genuinely improve the quality of life and support everyday life. A professional needs reliable information to do their job effectively. The decision-makers have the responsibility to do everything they can to ensure that social and health services run smoothly and that the money is used correctly. ...
Lue lisätietojaKymenlaakson Hallipojat is a steel construction professional in Kouvola, supplying high-quality steel structures and modules throughout Finland and building warehouses and sports halls. We designed a new website on WordPress for Hallipojat, improving usability while implementing a completely fresh look including a new logo. Naturally, the site also takes into account search engine optimisation (SEO) and mobile usability.
Lue lisätietojaSuomen Terveysmaailma is a Finnish health company that manufactures, imports and markets health products. We redesigned the entire Terveysmaailma website to improve usability and informativeness. We updated not only all product information, but also added many new products to the range!
The new site is quick and easy to maintain and we added the possibility to contact Terveysmaailma about a specific product. Naturally, the site has also been designed with search engine optimisation and mobile usability in mind. ...
Lue lisätietojahttps://www.maanrakennusjmh.fi We designed the brand new website of Maanrakennus JMH. Maanrakennus JMH specialises in earthworks, especially in Uusimaa, and related demolition work, house foundation work and e.g. drainage renovation. JMH also carries out yard construction, including stone work, planting, walls, repairs to yard surfaces and playgrounds and lawns for your yard.
Lue lisätietojahttps://www.kotekman.fi We designed Kotekman’s new website in Finnish and English. Kotekman Oy specialises in machinery and equipment installation, structural steelwork, industrial piping, installation measurements, machine unloading and moving, and maintenance services. The website has just been updated, have a look!
#brandit #advertising #mainostoimisto #helsinki #kotka #kotisivu #creative #graphicdesign #advertisement #design #web #webdesign #webdesign #responsive #mobile #responsiivinen #tablet #mobiili #kotekman #industry #industrial #piping #pipes #machineinstallation #maintenance #steel #teollisuus #putkistot #koneasennus #kunnossapito #teräs
The HTML5 banners for AIG’s campaign feature animated text changes. https://www.aig.fi/syopavakuutus/
Lue lisätietojaWe designed a Google Ads search engine marketing (SEM) for a client. Aapoklapi is a company that delivers aggregates, firewood, Kekkilä mulch and bark mulch directly to your yard or job site.
Lue lisätietojaA website we designed: https://www.aapoklapi.fi
Aapoklapi is a company that delivers aggregates, firewood, Kekkilä mulch and bark mulch directly to your yard or job site. We have just updated the order form: https://aapoklapi.fi/tilaaminen-ja-yhteystiedot
Lue lisätietojahttps://ktt.fi. KTT Tekniikka’s website showcases their product range, including transmission, bearing and sealing parts, as well as a range of services, including industrial maintenance and installation services, using prominent image carousels. #brandit #advertising #mainostoimisto #helsinki #kotka #creative #graphicdesign #advertisement #design #web #webdesign #maintenance #ktt #teollisuus #tekniikka #gear #webdesign #motor #teollisuus #industrial #responsive #mobile #responsiivinen #tablet #mobiili
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