Pohjolan Voima


Pohjolan Voima produces energy for its shareholders at cost price while taking the environment into account. We have designed invitations for the opening of the company’s shareholders’ factories that have been printed on paper produced by the factory. In addition, roll-ups, brochures and adverts among others have been designed for Pohjolan Voima.

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Suunnittelimme Cursor Oy:n käyttöön uudet markkinointimateriaalit. Lähtökohtana oli yhdistää uutta seudun elinkeinomarkkinoinnin ilmettä, RAW by Nature, Cursorin olemassa olevaan ilmeeseen. Työ sisälsi word- ja powerpoint-pohjat, kirjekuoret, käyntikortit, ilmoituspohjat, roll upit ja luentolehtiön.

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Hotelli Rento

PrintTextWeb design

Hotelli Rento tarjoaa majoitusta Imatran Ukonniemessä. Suunnittelimme hotellin nimen, logon, ilmeen, nettisivut, ilmoituksia, esitteitä ja muuta markkinointimateriaalia.

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Produal: Brochures and Advertisements

PrintText  , ,

Produal Oy is a Finnish pioneer in measuring equipment for real estate automation, for which we designed various leaflets and reference brochures as well as their product catalogue for several years, including different language versions (eg. Finnish, English, Polish, Danish, French).

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Kill Arman / Mitsubishi Lancer Campaign

PrintTextWeb design

We designed a giveaway form for the Mitsubishi Lancer. By booking a test drive, participants had a chance to win a premium custom-made evening gown/formal suit tailored by Arman Alizad. The prize was valued at 3,000 euros.

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