Advertising agency Brandit created the materials for information screens, posters and media for Ystäväluistelu, the annual skating event organized by the city of Espoo.
The Ystäväluistelu event, open to everyone, will be held in Tapiola Ice Garden on 8.2.2025 at 16-19 and will combine skating and live music. The Tapiola Sinfonietta will give a concert in the Cultural Centre’s Tapiola Hall with Saara Aalto as soloist and Marjo Riihimäki as conductor. ...
Lue lisätietojaFor the Henry Ford Foundation, we did both press advertising and display advertising for Kauppalehti and Helsingin Sanomat, among others. The foundation’s aim is to promote education and research in motorised transportation and mechanised agriculture in Finland. The Henry Ford Foundation grants 2025 are now open for applications:
Lue lisätietojaTerveysmaailma is a reliable Finnish partner for healthcare operators. They offer a service package called ParempiPalvelu (Better Service) for nursing beds and similar products, as a monthly subscription or one-time purchase. It includes delivery, installation, scheduled maintenance, and repairs. We designed a foldable A5-sized brochure in a landscape format about the package. A downloadable version of the design was also made available on their website.
Lue lisätietojaWe designed the new Produal Proxima® RTX room transmitter brochure 🇬🇧 in English and 🇫🇷 in French.
Lue lisätietojaWe designed signposts for the Espoo Archipelago Museum Pentala. Welcome to visit us next year at the beginning of the summer season!
There is a lot to see and experience on Pentala Island. For example, there is an easily accessible and clearly marked nature trail of a couple of kilometres, 🐾 along which you can find 🐑 grazing sheep, wild coastal meadows and a natural Diksand sandy beach suitable for families with children, ...
Lue lisätietojaWe designed property maps for the service points, on which you can mark where to drop off and pick up your car. On the back of the card, there are fields for the details of your vehicle. The maps were drawn for all Hedin Automotive and Bavaria dealerships across the country. The aim was to make it as clear as possible how to get to each dealership, each map customized taking into account the store’s individual needs and the ideal level of detail. ...
Lue lisätietojaWe designed a multi-channel advertising campaign for Hedin Automotive’s Black Week (or rather, Black Weeks) theme in newspapers, social media and online.
Lue lisätietojaTerveysmaailma is a reliable Finnish partner for healthcare operators. We designed around forty new product leaflets for Terveysmaailma. The brochures are designed to be read in a folder that includes an index page and all products divided by product group. To help you navigate between product groups, the name of the group is also printed on the outside edge of each page. The product brochures were also produced in a pdf format that can be downloaded online. ...
Lue lisätietojaFor Terveysmaailma, we designed three roll ups that work separately as well as alongside each other.
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